Alla Kuznetsova (now at Columbia University), whom I met at the All Union Institute
of Experimental and Theoretical Cardiology in Moscow, asked why I had not
photos from my work in Russia. I first
went to Moscow during the USSR days (1987) following an invitation from Leo
Rosenstraukh – to work with Adas Undrovinas (at Henry Ford Hospital), Nail
Burnashev (at Berk Sakmann’s lab in Heidelberg) and Slava Nesterenko (at
Charlie Antzelowitz’s lab in Utica) in Leo’s lab and Vika Bolotina (at Boston
University) in Peter Brezhestovski’s (in Paris) lab. I also had the good fortune to connect with Boris Khodorov (still
in Moscow) and Yuri Zilberter (at the Karolinska). I took a large number of photos – since I was able to watch the
evolution of the early Gorbachev era in Moscow (I was actually picked up by the
KBG for taking some photos – that’s another story). I was fortunate to work in Moscow for 1 –2 months every year from
1987 – 1991, thus being part of the change, the inflation, the uncertainty and
the warmth and openness of my Russian friends.
I then shifted my work to Valentin Krinsky’s (now in Nice France)
laboratory in Pushchino and continued collaborations with yearly visits. Many of these adventures occurred before
web-technology – and in fact, in 1987 and 1988 there was no email. Only in 1989 was their email (but controlled
by the library at the Institute, and only 1 terminal). Alla reminded me that I probably had some
interesting photos from these early days.
So, I started looking.
The Cardiology
Here is the Cardiology
Center – recently constructed and located at the extreme of one of the metro
lines (Krylotskoe ??)

My first year, I stayed at
the Soyuz – and shared a car / driver (Yura) with the Insitute Director (I
think) and slept with my visa

I discovered ice fishing
outside my hotel as well as Pepsi and

I was in Leo Rosenzhtraukh’s
lab with Adas, Nail, Slava, Ilya, Olga, Vika
and many others. The patch clamp
(1987) behind Nail was contructed by these guys and produced unbelievable
results, when all went well. Ilya
prepared very special cells. Vika was
scientist, entertainer, cook, dishwasher and mother. But as you can see, she is too serious (now at Boston University where serious folks go).

Symposium: 1990
In 1990, there was a
symposium where we all presented some research results. Here are David Clapham, Mike Rosen, Harold
Strauss, and John Shephard

Then Leo and friends
presented a very special research result:
a fantastic party
Leo (left) had something
to say, and Alla (right) was always
listening and making our time very pleasant
All others simply enjoyed
the wonderful dinner – quite a treat in 1990 USSR

There was even a small

Alla Malen’kaya I Alla Bol’shoya then entertained Harold and
a few others to the delights of St. Petersburg

Life Outside the
Institute: Amateur Radio Friends
After the first 2 years, I
discovered that I was a sort of prisoner of the institute – without any
language skills, it was impossible to find out about ordinary Russian (Soviet)
life. So being an amateur radio
operator, I started listening for Moscow stations, heard several and made
contact with 4 very unuaual families;
Nik (UV3GZ), Nik’s daughter, Olga, and Vlad (RW3AG) with Nik,
Valera (RZ3DC) and Slava (my unofficial driver) and
Valera’s Irena and their hospitality

and Leon and his family (another sharing of the kitchen with the

Nik worked magic with the
government official and was able to obtain for me, permission to operate a
radio in the Moscow region – and as far as I know, I was the first American
licensed to operate in the Moscow Region -
moreover, my first contacts were on 4 July 1990 from the Moscow State
University Radio Club

And, I actually made a remarkable number of radio contacts:

A Changing
Moscow: 1987 – 1991
Coming to Moscow in 1987
gave me the opportunity to watch history changing at a rate that was completely
unexpected. To try to capture this, I
not only took photos, but saved receipts of a variety of things. Below is what I saw and was able to be part
Probably one of the first
changes I observed was on the Moscow Ring Road
(see the blue map in the background).
Each morning, Yuri would fetch me from the hotel and take me to the
Institute, via the ring road (the big
outer ring road, not the downtown Garden Ring Road). Coming home one afternoon I saw some guys preparing shashlik
(shish-ka-bob) – a local specialty , so we stopped, watched, bought a sample
and had an early dinner. The computer below, used to calculate the price
(by weight) worked well in adverse environments, and needed no external power.

At the same time, all sorts
of things were for sale on street corners.
You never went anywhere without a bag.
You stood in all queue – and purchased whatever was available, knowing
that if you did not need it, one of your friends would probably need it. Here, soap, bananas, fish – you name it –
was for sale.
Carrying a bag …………………………………………..selling bananas …………………..selling

soap……………………………………………selling potatoes…………………………………….selling radishes

But with all the free market
activity - there were “official
shortages” – so rationing started – first with vodka and of course, since Gorbachev had eliminated strong drink, there
was a run on sugar, so sugar was rationed also and finally, an “invitation to
purchase” …

Markets appeared everywhere,
but the most predictable place was at each Metro entrance where food was
trucked in from the south and sold directly from the backs of trucks. Organized crime, though, (in my opinion)
quickly figured out the protection racket and some days there was a burned-out
spot where a truck was parked yesterday.

The hallmark of perestroika,
(as seen in the red banner on Gorky street) was the appearance of McDonalds,
across the street from Pushkin Park. In
spite of all the uncertainty, the Canadians had managed to build a completely
vertically integrated system to feed a McDonald’s fast food palace. I took
Natasha (my 10 year old “daughter”) to McDonald’s just after it opened. We waited in line for about 1 hour. Natasha ordered a Big Mac, Fries, Ice Cream
and a huge Coka Cola. She managed to
eat everything.

Life Outside the
Institute: Inside a Russian family
One night at Slava’s flat,
there was a party in progress next door.
I was invited to this party and several people invited me to visit their
work to see something of life outside the Cardiac Center. For me, it was an opportunity to see
something different from my radio colleagues.
These folks were doctors at local polyclinics and programmers and
business-men. One family, Klara, Sveta
and Natasha, invited me to their flat and that was the beginning of a long
friendship. They are currently in San
Juan Costa Rica, and doing well, the last time I heard from them. Here is something of their life.

On weekends we would go to
the Arbot or to the Moscow River and lake, at the end of Prospek Zhukova and
swim or row a boat or simply watch the sun set

Or we would go downtown and
look at “real” reconstruction

Perhaps the most
interesting, was to watch folks waiting to visit Lenin in his tomb. After 1991, the line became quite short, and
I actually visited Lenin.

More later - under construction