These photos reflect the relationship between light, weather and the
bridge. When I take my photos, I usually just capture what is happening under
the existing conditions. It turns out, in retrospect, that going out each
week was a great way to explore different bridge personalities that appear
from variations of lighting and weather conditions.
Photo Compositions: Groups of related photos
Digital Sketches
Recently I started exploring image
transformations to create
pencil-like sketches. Here you will find some interesting examples. Mostly
using the sobel filter in Gimp.
May 27, 2005:
A digital sketch of the approach view
May 25, 2005:
Sunset as seen from the new bridge and evening paving
May 25, 2005:Stiching photos together. Sunday I made several photos
of the Charleston scene and discovered an open source program (hugit) that
will match reference points. So here is my first attempt at building
a panorama
A better stitching exercise - fewer indications of the boundary of the
image components
May 22, 2005:Paving at night

May 21, 2005:A digital sketch of Wilbur and Leon and the Meeting
Street Interchange
Looking from Mt Pleasant: May 18
A sketch of the East Bay Approach: May 14
May 8, 2005: sunrise
April 11, 2005:
Views from Mt Pleasant: quiet shadows across the
pylon bases
April 3, 2005:
A cargo ship passing uner the new Cooper River Bridge
April 2, 2005:
A touch of old and a touch of new
March 31, 2005:
A dolphin
March 26, 2005:
Early morning fog
March 22, 2005:
An early morning on an otherwise gloomy day
and a view of the ungap from the west pylon
Sunday March 20, 2005:
A morning view of the bridge without the west tower crane
March 8, 2005: Bolting the last splice plate
March 6, 2005: A crane in waiting
and another morning view from my bicycle
March 5, 2005: My man, Wilbur
February 23, 2005:
A view from under the deck
Sunday February 13, 2005: Sunrise and the New Cooper River Bridge (7:23 am)
Everytime I look at this photo, I feel a sort of calm. My attention
is drawn to the small barge anchored in the lower right. I do not really
understand the calm this photo conveys. In many respects, it reflects the
calm I feel from the workers when I visit the main deck.
A bit of fun with image processing. I filtered the February 13 morning
image with a cubic intensity filter - which alters the color balance. Note
how the reddish horizon in the original image (lower) becomes blue in the
filtered image (immediately below).
This is another hidden benifit of the bridge project. I have been
introduced to all sorts of digital
darkroom techniques (usually to fixed some mistake I made). In this case,
I sort of like this exchange of colors.
February 11, 2005: A view of the west pylon from the top of the east pylon
January 8, 2004: Sunrise and the gap
December 19, 2004:Morning sun kisses the bridge
December 16, 2004:Night
October 17, 2004 A casual conversation
September 12, 2004 Fog
July 21, 2004: Fog
June 27, 2004: From my bicycle
March 7, 2004: Morning sunrise
February 22, 2004: Across the bow
January 17, 2004: Morning glow
January 13, 2004: A morning sunrise