Adventures at VHS Hospital and IIT-Madras
Frank's Home Getting there and back Madras (Chennai) waking up Friends Street Scenes My Spider Zoo  
Adventures in Chennai, March 25, 2004 - April 11, 2004 ( mostly along TTK Road, waking up)

The Madras Club, started, I believe, by the East India Tea Company, and our escape from the crowds and noise of Chennai. This is my home away from home. We were members during our 1993-1994 year at IIT and found the peace and quiet offered by the Madras Club staff as a very cost effective substitute for weekly therapy sessions at some psychiatric clinic. Each year when we return to Chennai - this is our home.

Each morning I walk to the Internet Cafe - which opens at 7am, and do my university work from there. Kumar, the manager has seen me come early and now opens at 6:45, and has a nice coffee waiting for me.

While walking up TTK road, you see it is slowly waking up. Here are scenes of Madras waking up about 6:30 am. Some simply stand around:

Others are walking about

Washing teeth and washing the road

Getting the morning's supply of water

A bicycle shop waking up and waiting

A bicycle shop that is wide awake and working

A street tailor (actually repaired my jeans)

India is a country displaying multimodal transport

Two wheel bicycles are the clear winner and here is a happy man on a bicycle

Three wheel bicycles are available also

Four wheel bicycles are also available

Merry go rounds are also available

A quiet morning street

A vegetable shop for vegetarians and no-vegetarians alike

Traffic is very slow in Chennai - still some of the most unusual accidents are there. Here, this truck appears to have crossed the medium and hit a lamp post. There was almost no traffic - and I have not any idea about why this happened. Note on the right - on looker delay is possible even with bicycle riders.

Something about temples. There are many many Hindu temples in Chennai.

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