Underwater Photos from various waters off the Greek Coast
My Underwater Collection
Click on images to see a larger images
Casper, a friendly octopus
A "Single-Cell" Medusa
Another Medusa
Fish and Medusa
B and bc with medusa
Fish-Medusa Dance
A "flying saucer" medusa
A pretty fish
2 Fish
2 different fish
A collection of yellow medusi seen near Agios Vasilios
Odds and Ends
A Sea Urchin: "Don't tread on me"
A Pretty Flower
If any one knows what these "things" are - please send me e-mail:
starmerf@musc.edu - Thanx
A "Thing"
Swimming "thing"
The "thing" update
Thing, thing, what is that thing
Thing, sing, that thing can sing
Long song, a long long song
Goodbye thing, you sing too long
From Hop on Pop (I think), Dr. Seuss
Early photos of "things" - when the camera and I were not fully adapted
A sleeping "thing"
waking "thing"
A swimming "thing"
Copyright 1997 C. Frank Starmer