Silverglen Springs - April 2000
What to do while driving to a wedding in Plant City, Florida
On our way to Ben's wedding (Dee's son) in Plant City, Florida, we decided to
have a small adventure: spontaneously stop,
without plan and swim and snorkel at Silver Glen Springs
in the Ocala National Forest (located between highway 19 and 40). Click here
for all the interesting places
you can visit, swim, camp and snorkel in Florida.
This is actually preparation for another camping trip with Adi and
Laura in Greece - and its essential to test camera, mask, snorkel and
fins. The spring feeds a river that flows to the Atlantic. Consequently,
there are several types of fish that swim upstream - from salt water the
fresh water and can be found here.
Joseph Wolfersbers explained why:
My undergrad degree is in Biology and I took classes in Oceanography and
Limnology at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville. The water
in the St Johns is brackish as far upstream as Palatka. The St Johns is a
really interesting river it only drops in elevation less than 10 meters from
its source to the ocean and that is over a 300 mile course.You are familiar
with Salt Springs I am sure. The mineral content is rather high in Silver Glen
as well. My professor at the time said that since the calcium carbonate level
is so high the salt water fish can still osmoregulate.
We stopped at the park entrance - and were the only folks there. Look
at what we found:
Silver Glen Springs
So I put on my mask, fins, and snorkel, loaded the camera and this is
what I found:
Two brem
an unhappy bass
A school of mullet: Note the effect of flash
Another school of mullet
More mullet

A lost sting ray
Another lost sting ray
Two fish
Who knows what this is?
(May 25, 2004) Bill Moody
states that its a Nile Perch or Tilapia...It is not a native fish,
but was imported for weed control since it is herbivorous and eats many
of the weeds that choke Florida waterways. Many of these weeds are also
not native to Florida. The Nile Perch seems to have a soft impact on
native species in that it doesn't compete for food, but in fact supplies
food to other species and is even pretty good fare for the "human"
species. The only conflict I know of really is breeding (bedding)
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Copyright 2000 C. Frank Starmer