Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

September 20, 2014: Seletar Reservoir with Joseph and Joanna

Ant mimic or Ant? and wasp

sep 20 4330 ant mimic wasp

sep 20 4332 ant mimic wasp

sep 20 4333 ant mimic wasp

Theridion zebrinum Smiley Spider

sep 20 4347 zebra spider trap

Theridion zebrinum Smiley Spider

sep 20 4356 zebra Theridion zebrinum

sep 20 4370 zebra spider Theridion zebrinum

sep 20 4378 dorsal zebra spider Theridion zebrinum

Jumper Salticidae

sep 20 4394 jumper

Crane Fly

sep 20 4401 crane fly

T. zebrinum

sep 20 4407 zebra spider

T. zebrinum

sep 20 4426 zebra spider

Unknown to me

sep 20 4436 white antennae

Wet zebra web

sep 20 4444 wet zebra web

Wet zebra web

sep 20 4447 wet zebra web

Looking at the front door of T zebrinum web

sep 20 4450 wet zebra web end

Polyboea vulpina p 100 Singapore book

sep 20 4457 polyboea vulpina

Polyboea vulpina

sep 20 4508 polyboea vulpina

Water Bug

sep 20 4484 water bug

Water bug

sep 20 4493 water bug

Water bug

sep 20 4498 water bug

Water bug

sep 20 4504 water bug

Daddy Long legs

sep 20 4522 huntsmen

Daddy Long legs

sep 20 4530 huntsmen

Daddy Long legs

sep 20 4533 huntsmen

Myrmarachne maxillosa Ant mimc sper crawling over her home

sep 20 4565 ant mimic home

Myrmarachne maxillosa Ant mimic crawling into her home

sep 20 4567 ant mimic crawling home

Myrmarachne maxillosa Face of an ant mimic

sep 20 4569 Myrmarachne maxillosa ant mimic face

Eyes of an ant mimic

sep 20 4573 Myrmarachne maxillosa ant mimic eyes

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
