Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

October 31, 2015: Sunrise, Mecaphesa celer and Tetragnatha

Sunrise colors

oct 31 6022 sunrise colors

tegragnatha pallescens female

oct 31 5993 female tetragnatha pallescens

Unknown - perhaps Dolomedes?

oct 31 5997 unknown dolomedes maybe

Unknown - perhaps Dolomedes?

oct 31 5998 unknown

Sac spider hiding in her home

oct 31 6001 sac spider

oct 31 6003 sac spider

Eyes of a sac spider and the entrance to her home

oct 31 6017 sac spider eyes portal

Some sort of creepy crawler ??

oct 31 6033 bird dung caterpillar

Some sort of unknown creepy crawler ??

oct 31 6041 unknown crawly

Mecaphesa celer catches a moth for breakfast

oct 31 6046 crab moth

Mecaphesa celer and moth

oct 31 6048 misumenops celer moth

Mecaphesa celer and moth

oct 31 6053 misumenopes celer moth dew

Mecaphesa celer and moth

oct 31 6084 crab moth

This birde swims under water and pokes its head up and looks like a snake - and a wood duck

oct 31 6103 bird woood duck

Wood duck

oct 31 6104 wood duck

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
