Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

October 13, 2011:Off Duke

The flight: SQ 22 from Singapore to Newark. About 19 hours.

Altitude Plot

Altitude Plot

I was able to get a seat over the wing so I could look for condensation vortices - contrails. I was not disappointed

At takeoff - the faint outline of the vortex

oct 13 2932 sq22 vortex

A closer view. Note the condensation is most obvious at the perimeter of the vortex

oct 13 2953 faint vortex

Here - the gradual destruction of the vortex as it flows over the wing

oct 13 2962 vortex

Two vortices: one originating at the engine Nacelle Strake and the other at the wing tip

oct 13 2965 engine wing vortex

Wing vortex - close

oct 13 3013 wing vortex

Turning into the sun - some stuff on the window

oct 13 3046 wing vortex

End of vortex photos

oct 13 3067 vortex

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
