Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

Nov 17, 2008: Caesarea and Mom

    Day's Itinerary
  • Nazareth (10:01 am)
  • Nazareth Village (11:55 am)
  • Megiddo (12:26 pm)
  • Caesarea by the Sea(15:05 pm)

Our travel of the day - starting at the En Gev Kubbutz and ending at Caesarea

To our place

nov 17 1019 ein gev sign

Early morning moon at the Kibbutz

nov 17 0993 moon cropped

Our home seen from the Sea of Galilee

nov 17 1003 our home

Early morning wavelets on the Sea of Galilee

nov 17 1001 sea of galilee early morning

The kibbutz housing

nov 17 1003 our home

We found this red wine at the local shop and its reqlly quite good - from the Golan Heights

nov 17 1016 golan wine

Off to Nazareth - and some olive harvesting in progress

nov 17 1025 harvesting olives

    Place: Nazareth Museum at Village of Nazareth
  • Observation: Congested and busy town, simulation of Jesus’ neighbourhood-simple & humble lifestyle of Jesus
  • Teaching 4; Bible ref: Luke 2: 39-52
  • Principle 4: Jesus the Son of God demonstrates humility through his humble beginning as a child

nov 17 1032 community

Nazareth traffic

nov 17 1036 nazareth traffic

Sign of death

nov 17 1045 death sign


nov 17 1046 waiting

Nazareth Village

nov 17 1099 to nazareth village

Walking to the back property to view the village

nov 17 1054 nazareth village

A sort of shepherd

nov 17 1055 shepherd

Where wine was made. The juice from the graphs migrated from one region to another - sort of like a staged waterfall.

nov 17 1066 wine making

The engine of a grain mill

nov 17 1074 grain mill

What I call grain smashers - hammer-like things that crush the grain

nov 17 1076 grain smashers

A carpenter shop

nov 17 1078 carpenter shop

The weaving area

nov 17 1079 weaving

An oil lamp

nov 17 1092 oil lamp

    Place: Tel Megiddo (Armageddon)
  • Observation: Western age of the huge valley of Jezreel-future place for all nations gathering to fight Israel. Subterranean water system. Archaeologists uncovered more than 20 layers of occupation
  • Teaching 5: Revelation 16:10-16; 19:11-21
  • Principle 5: God will judge all nations at His appointed time
Then on to Megiddo - local agriculture. The Israelis have really mastered the strategy of irrigation and growing stuff from nothing. Most of what we saw were fruit orchards but there must be vegetable production also

nov 17 1119 agriculture

This guy, flaps down, trying to land

nov 17 1144 flaps down

To Megiddo

nov 17 1147 to megiddo

The Megiddo Story

nov 17 1149 Meggiddo story


nov 17 1151 steps

City site

nov 17 1158 city site


nov 17 1179 city site

This plane was flying about apparently dusting crops - some acrobatics

nov 17 1171 crop dusting

Turning around (up, over and back)

nov 17 1188 crop duster

Flying low over the agriculture area

nov 17 1202 crop dusting


nov 17 1203 crop dusting

Stephen Teaching nov 17 1247 stephen teaching

Water system

nov 17 1250 water system

Walking down to the tunnel

nov 17 1253 to well

And further down - until we escape and leave for Caesarea

nov 17 1256 down well

    Place: Caesarea by the Sea
  • Observation: Beautiful sea front and sun set view. Named in honour of Roman emperor Augustine. Showpiece of Roman culture with large theatre surrounds cut out of natural environment. It was a place for Roman entertainment (e.g. chariot race). Many events took place of which the most prominent was Peter shared the gospel with Cornelius, a Roman Centurion and gentile convert
  • Teaching 6: Bible ref: Acts 10:1-22
  • Principle 6: All believers are commanded to make disciples of Jesus Christ
To Caesarea

nov 17 1278 to caesarea

About the statues

nov 17 1296 caesarea statuary

Describing the theater

nov 17 1298 theater description


nov 17 1299 entrance

Stephen Teaching

nov 17 1310 stephen teaching

I think this is a tomb

nov 17 1325 stone engraving


nov 17 1328 coliseum

Birds flying in formation

nov 17 1335 bird formation

Us - standing by a column

nov 17 1341 frank ellen columns

Us again

nov 17 1342 ellen frank

It is so quiet here - with seagulls flying about

nov 17 1349 seagull close

Contemporary chariots

nov 17 1355 chariots

Roman arches

nov 17 1356 arches

Waiting for sunset

nov 17 1357 f e m hat

Looking toward the sea

nov 17 1360 arch sea


nov 17 1364 columns

More columns

nov 17 1369 columns


nov 17 1370 mosaic

Mosaic - thought to be in the kids playroom

nov 17 1370 mosaic playroom

Bridal smiles

nov 17 1386 bridal smile

Bridal bliss

nov 17 1398 bridal bliss

Bridal anxiety

nov 17 1406 bridal anxiety


nov 17 1461 caesarea sunset

Sunset - later

nov 17 1466 sunset

Last sunset

nov 17 1514 last sunset

Overview of part of the site

nov 17 1523 site


nov 17 1533 ellen


nov 17 1538 church

Old structure

nov 17 1546 arch

Home and the Tiberias lights

nov 17 1556 galilee lights

A longer exposure showing the nearby trees, water and chairs

nov 17 1558 galilee lights

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
