Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

Nov 15, 2008: From Singapore to Israel and back with Stephen and our new Precepts friends. Here are the photos of each day of our trip. Thanks to Stephen, this was a trip that none of us will forget. More photos and captions as I have time to plow through all of them (about 6000).
    Day's Itinerary
  • Meet at Changi 11:45 pm
  • Depart at 2:05
  • Arrive Amman 15:30
  • Bus to Kibbutz guest house Ein Gev

The overall trip - drag and zoom to see the details. Click on the icons over Israel and see thumbnails of our trip.

Our adventures in Israel and Jordan - drag and zoom to see the details

Approaching Amman about 3pm

nov 15 0411 approach amman

Loading our baggage

nov 15 0428 loading

Our bus

nov 15 0430 our bus

Looking out into a strange place

nov 15 0432 looking out

Amman highway

nov 15 0440 amman highway


nov 15 0449 mosque


nov 15 0458 countryside

Sunset starts

nov 15 0467 sunset

A Jordanian sunset and the Dead Sea to the left

nov 15 0475 jordan sunset

To the Dead Sea

nov 15 0479 dead sea sign

At ground zero - sea level

nov 15 0481 ground zero dead sea

Dead Sea sunset

nov 15 0485 dead sea sunset

Mosque and sunset

nov 15 0487 dead sea mosque


nov 15 0496 sunset

Arriving at the Kibbutz - we found wonderful small apartments with a small porch and walking outside was the Sea of Galilee. By now it was dark and across the Sea of Galilee we could see the lights of Tiberias

nov 15 0509 tiberias

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
