Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

November 12, 2016: Birds at Circle B Bar Nature Preserve

nov 12 1280 lyssomanes viridis retina

nov 12 1282 lyssomanes viridis

nov 12 3248 limpkin breakfast

nov 12 3345 great blue heron

nov 12 3395 little blue heron

nov 12 3416 green heron

nov 12 3426 great blue heron nest

nov 12 3450 gallinule

nov 12 3502 little blue heron

nov 12 3527 osprey

nov 12 3539 little blue heron wings

nov 12 3540 little blue heron

nov 12 3570 little blue heron wings

nov 12 3575 green heron

nov 12 3630 tricolor heron

nov 12 3694 tricolor heron

nov 12 3698 tricolor heron

nov 12 3722 tricolor heron flying

nov 12 3724 tricolor heron flying

nov 12 3738 fish

nov 12 3759 snowy egret

nov 12 3799 aligator

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
