A friend suggested I look for ISS passes. I got an ISS transit forcast for my region, GoISSWatch - and this morning was a pass near 90 degrees (straight up). I set my camera to take sequential 15 sec exposure and started the sequence at 06:14 - just before the predicted pass. I did not see the pass, but my camera caught it - as shown below
I first tested my exposure with bright constellations - here is Orion in the western sky
and the Big dipper in the Northeast sky
Here is a composite of the four 15 sec exposures that captured the transit
Initial capture: 06:15:52
Second exposure: 6:16:09.05
Third exposure: 6:16:26.05
Fourth exposure: 6:16:43.04
Big Dipper
After the ISS pass - I explored the region with my UV flashlight. Here I found tree frogs eyes fluoresce
Fluorescing eyes
Fluorescing eyes
Fluorescing eyes
Here, the iris was not totally open - and it appears that something inside the eye - perhaps the retina
Non fluorescence of frog iris - but fluorescence of the frog lens or retina
C. Frank Starmer