Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

This is the way I ride my bicycle to work (red trace). THe green trace is my walk to my spider observatory and the blue trace is a bike ride to Labrador Park and a bus ride to Vivo City.

Welcome to our new LIT (Learning and Information Technology) at Duke-NUS. Each wall has a theme that provides a color break in our work areas. When entering our area, you immediately step into Duke - the chapel, the walkway between Duke South and Duke North, and Duke North.

may 22 1252 front door

This is the Duke - Duke-NUS wall - a transition from Duke to Duke-NUS

may 22 1251 duke dukenus theme

A better view of the Duke Duke-NUS transition - a crescendo from Duke to Duke-NUS

may 22 1240 duke dukenus theme

The Duke part - a transition from gothic (Chapel) via a walkway (center) to the Duke North Hospital (right)

may 22 1244 duke

The Duke-NUS part - with photos of our team and external and interior view of our new home

may 22 1243 dukenus

Martha and Erna and the sunrise-sunset theme

may 22 1253 sunrise sunset theme

The Indonesia corner. I spend 1 weekend each month recharging my batteries at Bintan Agro Beach Resort - snorkelling and nature photography. Martha and Eran are Indonesian, so its quite nice to bring a part of Indonesia into our space.

jun 12 0042 indonesian corner

Matthew and Ning and the Sky (left - mostly photos from flights I've taken) and underwater (right - mostly photos from my snorkelling in Indonesia) walls

may 22 1249 sky underwater theme

The underwater wall - updated

jun 12 0041 underwater

Walking to my office you pass the nature wall - photos mostly from the Botanic Garden, Bintan, Indonesia, Florida.

jun 12 0045 nature

A closer look in the middle - the dragonfly is a night shot I made at the Singapore Botanic Garden - about 10pm.

jun 12 0046 nature close

Then the places wall - places I've worked: India, Bosnia, Thailand, Spain, France and US

jun 12 0047 places

and finally my office - in the far corner

jun 12 0037 my office

Leaving you pass the multicultural people wall

may 14 0034 people theme

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
