Yesterdays watching a bird catch a fish - ignited my curiosity about bird hunting behavior - so today I watched and watched and watch to try to capture the dynamics of catching a fish. Had a small success.
Snowy Egret looking at her reflection
Snowy Egret caught a fish
Smart bird - heads for the lake banks to keep the fish from flipping back into the water
Snowy Egret swallowing the fish - head first
Positioning the head in her mouth
Big swallow
Finished swallowing
Now to get rid of the lump in her throat
Finished eating
Back to the water and taking off - beautiful yellow feet - distinguishing the snowy egret from the white egret
Look at the plumage
A white egret flying - note the black feet
White egret landing
Snowy egret reflection
Snowy egret and reflection of a white egret
Snowy egret takeoff
Snowy egret flying
Snowy egret landing
Snowy egret landing
Snowy egret takeoff
Snowy egret flying
White egret searching for fish
White egret flying
White egret preparing to grab a fish
Looking for fish
Catching fish - oops missed
Fly away empty handed
White Egret searching for a fish
White egret trying to capture the fish
Success - she caugh the fish (and nice reflection
Holding the fish in her mouth
Holding the fish in her mouth
Holding the fish in her mouth
Holding the fish in her mouth
Holding the fish in her mouth
Orienting the fish for swallowing
Orienting the fish for swallowing
Fish head in her mouth
Progress with swallowing - note the outline of the fish
Swallows fish
Finished swallowing
Finished swallowing
Hunting for another fish
Hunting for another fish
Hunting for another fish
Hunting for another fish
C. Frank Starmer