Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

March 12, 2016: Egrets fishing

Yesterdays watching a bird catch a fish - ignited my curiosity about bird hunting behavior - so today I watched and watched and watch to try to capture the dynamics of catching a fish. Had a small success.

Snowy Egret looking at her reflection

mar 12 1062 snowy egret

Snowy Egret caught a fish

mar 12 1108 snowy egret fish

Smart bird - heads for the lake banks to keep the fish from flipping back into the water

mar 12 1219 snowy egret fish

Snowy Egret swallowing the fish - head first

mar 12 1221 snowy egret eating fish

Positioning the head in her mouth

mar 12 1222 snowy egret eating fish

Big swallow

mar 12 1225 snowy egret swallowing fish

Finished swallowing

mar 12 1226 snowy egret finish swallowing fish

Now to get rid of the lump in her throat

mar 12 1227 snowy egret finished

Finished eating

mar 12 1232 snowy egret after breakfast

Back to the water and taking off - beautiful yellow feet - distinguishing the snowy egret from the white egret

mar 12 1273 snowy egret takeoff

Look at the plumage

mar 12 1298 snowy egret

A white egret flying - note the black feet

mar 12 1317 white egret

White egret landing

mar 12 1327 white egret

Snowy egret reflection

mar 12 1330 snowy egret

Snowy egret and reflection of a white egret

mar 12 1355 snowy egret white egret reflection

Snowy egret takeoff

mar 12 1372 snowy egret landing

Snowy egret flying

mar 12 1381 snowy egret flying

Snowy egret landing

mar 12 1386 snowy egret feet down

Snowy egret landing

mar 12 1394 landing snowy egret

Snowy egret takeoff

mar 12 1459 snowy egret takeoff


mar 12 1466 snowy egret

Snowy egret flying

mar 12 1487 snowy egret flying

White egret searching for fish

mar 12 1601 slant neck white egret

White egret flying

mar 12 1606 grabbing gear down

White egret preparing to grab a fish

mar 12 1607 preparing to snatch

Looking for fish

mar 12 1608 looking for fish

Catching fish - oops missed

mar 12 1609 catching fish

Fly away empty handed

mar 12 1612 flying

White Egret searching for a fish

mar 12 1633 egret hunting

White egret trying to capture the fish

mar 12 1634 egret catching fish

Success - she caugh the fish (and nice reflection

mar 12 1635 egret caught fish

Holding the fish in her mouth

mar 12 1636 egret fish

Holding the fish in her mouth

mar 12 1637 egret fish

Holding the fish in her mouth

mar 12 1638 egret admiring fish

Holding the fish in her mouth

mar 12 1639 egret fish

Holding the fish in her mouth

mar 12 1640 egret fish

Orienting the fish for swallowing

mar 12 1641 egret holding fish

Orienting the fish for swallowing

mar 12 1642 egret holding fish

Fish head in her mouth

mar 12 1646 egret holding fish


mar 12 1647 egret swallows fish

Progress with swallowing - note the outline of the fish

mar 12 1648 egret swallows fish

Swallows fish

mar 12 1649 egret swallows fish

Finished swallowing

mar 12 1650 egret swallowing fish

Finished swallowing

mar 12 1651 egret swallowing fish

Hunting for another fish

mar 12 1652 egret hunting

Hunting for another fish

mar 12 1653 egret content

Hunting for another fish

mar 12 1654 egret hunting

Hunting for another fish

mar 12 1655 egret hunting

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
