Javier picked me up about 12:30 and off we went - first to the city center for the Mascletades - then to his home for lunch. Was yummy!!
Walking to the city center - an hour before the show and already wall to wall people
Motorcycles coming
A church
Crowd walking (actually rushing) to the City Center
Tower and clock. Then the clock says 2pm - the show starts
Crowd left
13:20 - 40 min to go
A watchful eye from above
What its all about
Time 13:40, 20 min to go
Crowd in front of me
Post office with guys in the tower above
Crowd behind
TV folks
Watching us
Post office tower
Time 13:55 - time to start. Javier suggested I make a video - and I did
At 2pm exactly - the sounds of Mascletades
Residual smoke
Now the crowd is leaving as quickly as it came
And off to Lunch with Javier and his family
C. Frank Starmer