Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

March 10, 2012:Mascletades: Festival of Noise

Javier picked me up about 12:30 and off we went - first to the city center for the Mascletades - then to his home for lunch. Was yummy!!

Walking to the city center - an hour before the show and already wall to wall people

mar 10 2978 near city center

Motorcycles coming

mar 10 2981 street motorcycles

A church

mar 10 2982 church

Crowd walking (actually rushing) to the City Center

mar 10 2983 crowd to center


mar 10 2985 crowd

Tower and clock. Then the clock says 2pm - the show starts

mar 10 2987 tower clock

Crowd left

mar 10 2989 crowd left

13:20 - 40 min to go

mar 10 2997 time 1320

A watchful eye from above

mar 10 2999 police watchful eye

What its all about

mar 10 3007 sign

Time 13:40, 20 min to go

mar 10 3011 time 1340

Crowd in front of me

mar 10 3019 crowd front

Post office with guys in the tower above

mar 10 3021 post office

Crowd behind

mar 10 3028 crowd behind

TV folks

mar 10 3031 tv folks

Watching us

mar 10 3033 watching

Post office tower

mar 10 3037 post office tower

Time 13:55 - time to start. Javier suggested I make a video - and I did

mar 10 3046 time 1355

At 2pm exactly - the sounds of Mascletades

Residual smoke

mar 10 3054 smoke

Now the crowd is leaving as quickly as it came

mar 10 3056 crowd


mar 10 3058 crowd church


mar 10 3060 tower


mar 10 3064 statue

And off to Lunch with Javier and his family

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
