Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

July 10, 2016: Early morning herons

New observation for me - tricolor heron with plumage standing at attention

jul 10 3527 tricolor heron

Morning heron at dawn

jul 10 3558 tricolor heron


jul 10 3561 limpkin

Tricolor heron

jul 10 3563 tricolor heron

Dawn colors

jul 10 3574 dawn

SOmething new - I've never see plummage standing "up" like this

jul 10 3586 tri color heron

Who ruffled my feathers

jul 10 3588 tri color heron

With feathers laying down

jul 10 3591 tri color heron fishing


jul 10 3596 tri color heron fishing


jul 10 3657 tri color heron fishing

A nearby dragonfly

jul 10 3709 dragonfly

A nearby dragonfly

jul 10 3705 dragonfly

This heron is tracking the dragonfly

jul 10 3663 tri color heron dragonfly

Dragonfly and heron

jul 10 3671 tri color heron dragonfly

Dragonfly and heron

jul 10 3672 tri color heron dragonfly

Opening wings to grab breakfast

jul 10 3673 tri color heron dragonfly

Oops - missed

jul 10 3674 tri color heron dragonfly

jul 10 3677 tri color heron dragonfly

Back to fishing

jul 10 3705 tricolor heron

Raised plummage

jul 10 3711 tricolor heron plummage

Raised plummage

jul 10 3717 tricolor heron plummage

Tricolo plummage

jul 10 3727 tricolor heron plummage

Strutting her stuff

jul 10 3748 tricolor heron

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
