Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

July 01, 2016: Raccoon, Owls and Heron

I've been returning each morning to visit with the raccoons. Sometimes they show up and sometimes they do not. But today one showed up and also a barred owl.

One of the boy raccoons

jul 01 3243 boy raccoon

With wet legs after the heavy rain

jul 01 3251 boy raccoon

Drinking water

jul 01 3267 raccoon drinking

Barred Owl #1 from behind

jul 01 3283 owl 1

Barred Owl #2 hiding behind a tree limb. They make fledgeling begging sounds - very distinctive

jul 01 3287 owl 2

Great blue heron - fluffing wings in reponse to my flash

jul 01 3294 great blue heron

Preparing to takeoff

jul 01 3298 great blue heron

Great blue herong taking off

jul 01 3299 great blue heron takeoff

Full flaps and a trail of water

jul 01 3300 great blue heron flying

In flight

jul 01 3301 great blue heron flying

I really like the symmetry of flight and the reflections on the lake surface

jul 01 3302 great blue heron flying

More fantastic reflections

jul 01 3303 great blue heron flying

July 02, 2016: 3 Raccoons

A wet raccoon

jul 02 3307 raccoon

Great blue heron

jul 02 3340 great blue heron

Dawn reflections on a calm lake

jul 02 0056 lake reflections

I decided to take a trip around the perimeter of the lake - and first time, got a decent image of the morning mist

jul 02 0112 misty lake

I'm testing a new Olympus TG-4. Here are some images of Tetragnatha sp

jul 02 0050 olympus tetragnatha

jul 02 0053 olympus tetragnatha

Male Tetragnatha sp.

jul 02 0063 male tetragnatha

jul 02 00678 male tetragnatha

jul 02 0067 male tetragnatha

jul 02 0071 male tetragnatha

jul 02 0074 male tetragnatha

jul 02 0075 male tetragnatha


jul 02 0082 grass

Dragonfly caught in a web

jul 02 0092 dragonfly caught

Female Tetragnatha sp.

jul 02 0094 female tetragnatha

July 03, 2016: Raccoon, and Alafia River State Park

Two raccoons visited - two brothers

jul 03 3343 two raccoons

ANothe view of the two raccoons with wet legs

jul 03 3348 two raccoons

Off to Alafia River State Park - Old Agrochem Trail

The basilica spider is similar to Cyrtophera I frequently saw in Singapore - with a Gaussian hat of fine mesh. You can see a bit of the fine mesh to the left of the spider

Basilica with egg sac

jul 03 8920 basilica egg sac

Basilica with egg sac

jul 03 8926 basilica egg sac

Basilica with egg sac

jul 03 8929 basilica egg sac

Basilica with egg sac

jul 03 8930 basilica egg sac

Ulogorus sp.

jul 03 8940 uloborus

Leucauge venusta - posterior

jul 03 8942 leucauge venusta posterior

Leucauge venusta - lateral view

jul 03 8945 leucauge venusta

Nephila clavipes and breakfast

jul 03 8950 nephila clavipes breakfast

Nephila clavipes and breakfast

jul 03 8956 nephila clavipes breakfast

Tetragnatha sp. hiding

jul 03 8959 tetragnatha

Ebony jewel winged damselfly

jul 03 8975 ebony winged damselfly

Ebony jewel winged damselfly

jul 03 8983 ebony winged damselfly

Ebony jewel winged damselfly

jul 03 8987 ebony winged damselfly

Another Nephila clavipes

jul 03 8992 nephila clavipes


jul 03 9001 damselfly

July 04, 2016: Herons and egrets

These are photos from the Olympus TG-4 - sort of orientation for me and becoming familiar with how to properly set up. Most of these images were not properly set up - I'm learning

jul 04 0022 monarch butterfly

Cotton Stainer

jul 04 0035 cotton stainer


jul 04 0054 squirrel


jul 04 0070 rabbit

White egret

jul 04 3374 white egret

Great blue heron

jul 04 3378 blue heron

Great blue heron

jul 04 3379 blue heron

Great blue heron

jul 04 3381 blue heron

Tricolor heron

jul 04 3394 tricolor heron

Tricolor heron

jul 04 3399 tricolor heron

Tricolor heron

jul 04 3400 tricolor heron

Tricolor heron

jul 04 3402 tricolor heron

Tricolor heron

jul 04 3414 tricolor heron

Tricolor heron takeoff

jul 04 3415 tricolor heron takeoff

Egret takeoff

jul 04 3427 egret takeoff

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
