Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

January 17, 2016: Mom comes to breakfast in spite of the rain

Arrival and enjoying a donut hole from Sam's Hole-in-One

High resolution video for Jan 17 approach and eating a donut hole from Thann Sambath's Hole-in-one tasty treat shop

Posted by Frank Starmer on Sunday, January 17, 2016

Breakfast setup with 2 donut holes

jan 17 4678 breakfast setup 2 donut holes

Here is mom - eating freshly washed breakfast

jan 17 4680 eating washed breakfast

jan 17 4681 reaching for more

Oops - who's coming

jan 17 4685 whos coming

Sticking out her tongue at me

jan 17 4690 looking at me tongue

Searching for something

jan 17 4696 searching

Time to enjoy a 2nd donut hole

She arrives for breakfast - 45 min late - my usual life of waiting. She take a bit of appetizer then goes for a the donut hole from Hole In One Donuts

Posted by Frank Starmer on Sunday, January 17, 2016

Reaching for more breakfast

jan 17 4713 reaching

A distraction

jan 17 4719 distraction


jan 17 4736 eating

Eating away from the breakfast table

jan 17 4756 eating away

Reaching for more

jan 17 4765 reaching

Holding breakfast

jan 17 4766 holding


jan 17 4767 eating


jan 17 4771 washing

A wet mom

jan 17 4789 wet mom

Departing after carefully checking for any leftovers hiding in the leaf litter

She arrives for breakfast - 45 min late - my usual life of waiting. She take a bit of appetizer then goes for a the donut hole from Hole In One Donuts

Posted by Frank Starmer on Sunday, January 17, 2016

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
