This flower (daisy?), Bidens alba is home for this crab spider - her she is on the front porch
She has pulled two petals together to make a roof to protect her
A closer look (she is upside down) at her shelter. I want to start counting these shelters each day and recording the temperature. Do they disappear with warm weather?
Our crab spider on the roof of her home
A daisy - I think - Spanish Needles Bidens alba
Mecaphesa celer on the front proch of her Bidens alba home
A closer view: Mecaphesa celer on the front proch of her Bidens alba home
Leaf-footed nymph
Dorsal view: Leaf-footed nymph
Lateral view: Leaf-footed nymph
Leaf-footed nymph on Spanish Needles - Bidens alba
A different Mecaphesa celer hiding under a petal. Is she thinking about making a home?
Another view of this crab spider
Another view of this crab spider
Posterior of bee
Pollen on the bee leg
Anterior view of the bee. Clearly seen a ball of pollen harvested from Bidens alba
Harvested pollen on the opposite leg
Cotton Stainer, Dysdercus suturellus
C. Frank Starmer