My Camera setup - Cree bicycle light mounted on top of the flash
Here is the family ordering breakfast
Here is my setting up breakfast
Yesterday's trip to Duke didn't happen. My flight was cancelled and alternatives got me to Chapel Hill (Josh's home) at...
Posted by Frank Starmer on Thursday, February 18, 2016
Lined up and eating with good manners
One of the kids washing
Mom washing her food
Video of mom washing her food and her hands
Something about raccoon behavior fascinates me. Here is mom, washing her food and kids sort of watching and munching.
Posted by Frank Starmer on Thursday, February 18, 2016
Mom washing breakfast
Mom soaking her hands
Mom and baby washing
Mom washing hands
After eating - debris
After my cleanup and dish washing
Sunrise colors - with a duck swimming in the warm reflected light
Sunrise, blue heron and duck
Morning heron
C. Frank Starmer