Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

Febryary 11, 2007: More insect hunting and meetin John and family

Today was a surprise. After lunch, I went to my usual insect exploring place in search of dragonflys. But there were none. Moreover, our large Nephila maculata has been gone for 2 weeks. Maybe this is the end of their life cycle? The good news is that I met John, a father of 4 boys and a girl - one ahead of us, 3 boys and a girl. John is also an insect hunter - but having grown up in the area, is what I would consider an expert.
Here are the surprises from today (in addition to John). This mostly black butterfly never stops flapping her wings - and so I just tried to catch her in different locations has she fed herself

She spent some time with this small white flower so I had lots of chances to capture something other than a blur of her flapping wings.

Here is an unusual photo - she just decided to fly off

and here is an orange somthing.

and several shots of a brownish butterfly

Here are rain drops that act like magnifying glasses. Look at the leaf veins under the drops

More raindrop magnifiers

and more butterflys

on a leaf

And another orange something

The focus is not great - but I'm trying

Here is a brownish butterfly on a blade of grass

and a grasshopper with a bluish leg

Another view

a couple of face to face

just trying to get better focus control

Clearly I need more practice

John pulled the leaf in front of the grasshopper down to reveal a different perspective

Then John found a fighting spider. The male and female live between leaves. And when you see a pair of leaves stuck together, their web is probably the glue that ties the two leaves together. Here is the spider on John's finger

and another view

Here is John and two of his boys - and their names all start with J!

Another butterfly

And John's boys found a brown grasshopper on the ground

walking back here is a flower in the bushes beside Queenstown MRT station

and a yellow flower in the same bush

and another view of the berry flower

All in all, it was a most excellent day - meeting John, his wife and kids. Equally important, John and his boys taught me something about insects

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
