There was a Great Blue Heron at the parking lot
Setting up
I waited 50 min (5:40 - 6:30) and finally Susan appeared - quite tentative and quietly - seems she does not want a repeat of yesterday (Apr 29 2016)
After 50 Minutes, She Arrives With HesitationI waited 50 minutes and Susan finally came - though tentatively and with hesitation. Seems yesterday's encounter with Grumpy had an effect. She would not eat when I sat next to her. When joggers passed - she raced to a nearby tree. Finally a dog passed by and she climbed up a tree - and left by an aerial path to her home
Posted by Frank Starmer on Saturday, April 30, 2016
Reaching for breakfast
Eating with 1 hand
Eating with one handThis morning she deviated from her usual table manners. Typically she eats with two hands - but this morning, she mostly ate with one had as shown below. Look at her fingers - 4 and a shorter one like a thumb. Fortunate to be able to sit next to her and observe.
Posted by Frank Starmer on Saturday, April 30, 2016
After breakfast - she headed for the nearest tree - climbed and then departed for home via an aerial path
Two fishermen - not great focus
April 30, 2016: Wildflowers and a new spider
Visited a wild flower place - flowers
Red flower
Green Lynx, Peucetia viridens
Green Lynx, Peucetia viridens
Green Lynx, Peucetia viridens
Green Lynx, Peucetia viridens
Green Lynx, Peucetia viridens
Red and yellow floser
Lightning bug in an orange flower
Ornage flower
Skipper on a purple flower
Pink flower and beetle
Wild flowers everywhere
Pink and yellow
Sun flower
Sun flower
Sun flower
Sun flower
Sun flower and bee
Spiral Sun flower
Beetle and purple flower
C. Frank Starmer