Setting up - she sniffs my new LED light
Susan comes unaccompaniedThis morning, Susan came alone. She approached me from behind (not from the forest bordering the lake. When anyone came along the path, she retreated behind the tree on the right - instead of back into the forest. As with Sunday - she climbed the tree stump and inspected my LED light. She was in no hurry as she ate about half her breakfast bowl. She departed to somewhere behind me - supposedly another one of her homes.
Posted by Frank Starmer on Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Susan on the alert
Susan sitting
Susan drinking
Morning Limpkin
April 27, 2016: All for kids appear as a group
Before setting up - they were waiting for me - and at my feet sniffing around
After setup
Noisy eating
Looking for leftovers -April 9 was the last time the 4 kids came as a group. I arrived at 5:45 and they were waiting for me and I finally managed to get everything set up. There were sniffing all around my carry bag - I suppose a bit anxious to get on with breakfast. They finished at 6am - probably a fast breakfast for them
Posted by Frank Starmer on Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Four hungry kids
Three hungry kids
A duck family
Imprinting 101 - follow the leader
The duck family with new ducklings and mom carefully watching
Posted by Frank Starmer on Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Papa duck
Mom and her chicks
Mama and her chicks
Ibis landing
Ibis posing
C. Frank Starmer