Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

April 10, 2016: Two kids for breakfast - then off to Circle B Bar Nature Preserve

Arrival of Susan and her brother for breakfast

Color me fumble fingers today - My new super light went from periodic failure yesterday to complete failure today. ...

Posted by Frank Starmer on Sunday, April 10, 2016

From my phone

Susan and her brother. It's cold and they are not as friendly as when mom used to come. It seems that mom does not...

Posted by Frank Starmer on Sunday, April 10, 2016

Blue Heron

apr 10 0099 blue heron

Anhinga drying

apr 10 0090 anhinga drying

Anhinga caught a fish

apr 10 0104 anhinga catch fish

Anhinga with fish

apr 10 0107 anhinga catch fish

Anhinga and fish fight

apr 10 0113 anhinga fish fight

Anhinga trying to swallow

apr 10 0118 anhinga try swallow

Orienting the fish to the swallowing position

apr 10 0120 anhinga manipulating fish

Fish wins - and escapes

apr 10 0121 anhinga fish escape

Anhinga drying after losing breakfast

apr 10 0123 anhinga drying

Green damselfly

apr 10 0124 green damselfly

White flower

apr 10 0138 white flower

White flower

apr 10 0139 white flower

Alligator attack

apr 10 0152 alligator attack


apr 10 0155 alligator

Blue heron

apr 10 0172 blue heron

apr 10 0174 barred owl

Barred Owl

apr 10 0193 barred owl

Limpkin and limpkin chick

apr 10 0210 limpkin baby

Limpking feeding chick

apr 10 0211 limpkin feeding baby

Chick trying to eat a snail

apr 10 0212 baby limpkin eating snail

Mom and baby limpkin

apr 10 0218 mom baby limpkin

Two baby limpkins

apr 10 0234 2 baby limpkins

apr 10 0266 osprey fish

Osprey eating fish

apr 10 0286 osprey eating

Osprey flying with fish

apr 10 0288 osprey fish

Osprey flying

apr 10 0289 osprey fish

Blue heron

apr 10 0293 blue heron

Blue heron

apr 10 0356 blue heron watching

Baby blue heron and Gallinule

apr 10 0358 baby blue heron gallinule

Blue heron watching her baby

apr 10 0369 blue heron watching

Baby blue heron fishing

apr 10 0381 baby blue heron fishing

Snowy egret

apr 10 0392 snowy egret

Snowy egret

apr 10 0395 snowy egret

Snowy egret

apr 10 0398 snowy egret

Snowy egret

apr 10 0417 snowy egret

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
