Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

November 20, 2006: Exploring Liaocheng

Liaocheng is a small city of about 400,000 people. But a very friendly place. Everyone we met was able to communicate with us - either with words or with sign language. With Daphne we went in search of a China Mobile SIM card for my mobile phone and a copy of Not one less. This turned into an interesting exercise in problem solving: How to find Not one less (a wonderful Chinese movie about a young school teacher who has mastered the art and science of problem solving. Innovation and tenacity were the strengths that she brought to the plot - and skills for all of us to master.

Along the way, I decided to make a study of transportation: here is an example of a tricycle-truck

nov 20 0241 bike truck

and a donkey / mule?

nov 20 0242 donkey

Hidden inside this building are vertical transporters called elevators or lifts

nov 20 0245 building

and repairing a bicycle

nov 20 0249 pump

Transporting cardboard by bicycle

nov 20 0255 bike cardboard

another tricycle truck

and multimodel transport in the special bicycle / motorcycle / donkey / tricycle lanes

nov 20 0260 traffic

Finally - inside a bank - to discover the currency exchange rates

nov 20 0254 exchange rate

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
