These photos were filtered by Dynamic Auto-Painter using the Monet protocol. I have gained some new insights about composition that I feel help me make better photos. We'll see.
Water drops at my hotel - Ao Nang Terrace
This is the beach at Ao Nang Thailand
Lookint South along the deserted beach
This is Knem - who manages this place. She cut my hair
This is Noi who works with Knem
I rented a long tail boat for 1/2 day and visited the islands
Snorkelling was not an option due to these large jellyfish
Island clouds
A rust colored island
An empty beach
Chimney rock
The lady at the Ao Nang Terrace
Noi at Italian restaurant
Noi dreaming
And these photos were from my US trip - here a condensation vortex on takeoff form Changi
In Charleston, rainbow row
Church Steeple
Dock St Theater
Jack and Jacob preparing to fly their plane
Mating damselflies
Mating Damselflies
Morning Mist
Green spiral
Hiding spider
Daisy Drop
Great white egret
Powerline perspective
Water lily reflection
Sandhill Crane
C. Frank Starmer