Photo Adventures with Curiosity and Learning

December 18, 2015: Mom raccoon and the kids

Crowded home

dec 20 2973 crowded home

Mom exiting her home

My oldest son, Jack, is here - and I wanted to show off the raccoon family. We were not disappointed. Here she is leaving for breakfast and the kids start playing (not in the video).

Posted by Frank Starmer on Sunday, December 20, 2015

Climbing through the trees toward breakfast

dec 20 2983 mom going to breakfast

Going to breakfast

dec 20 2984 going to breakfast

With mom having breakfast - the kids start to play and look at me

dec 20 2988 baby watching me

Stretching exercise

dec 20 2993 stretching exercise

Kid looking out the 2nd floor window

dec 20 2998 baby 2nd floor window

Kids climbing

dec 20 3006 climbing

Mom at breakfast looking at me

dec 20 3022 mom outside

Mom returning home

dec 20 3035 mom returning home

Climbing along the limbs

dec 20 3038 mom returning home

Returning home

dec 20 3045 returning home

Resting on a limb

dec 20 3051 mom returning

Cleaning her front paw

dec 20 3054 clearning hands

Taking a short break

dec 20 3075 mom resting

Scratching herself

dec 12 3078 mom scratching

Descending to home

dec 20 3089 mom descending

Looking at me

dec 20 3104 mom descending

Slowly climbing down the tree

dec 20 3117 mom descending

Mom entering her home - and lands upside down

Mom - after a hearty breakfast, returns home to her kids - waiting to be fed. Oh the life of this mom!!! No rest today for her

Posted by Frank Starmer on Sunday, December 20, 2015

Upside down - feeding the kids

dec 20 3122 return upsidedown

Hungry kids taking mom's milk

dec 20 3127 hungry kids

Looking at me

dec 20 3130 looking at me

How many ears

dec 20 3133 ears to hear

Kids nursing

dec 20 3138 kids nursing

Kids feeding

dec 20 3149 kids feeding

Mom's contorted position - oh what a mom has to do

dec 20 3154 contorted mom

Feeding frenzy

dec 20 3156 feeding frenzy

Mom and part of the family

dec 20 3173 mom family

Mom and 2 kids

dec 20 3175 mom 2 kids

Mom and baby

dec 20 3183 mom baby

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
