Again Frank (FBPF) and Special Agent
Bean, Master of Disguises, took a "vacation" to France. With digital
camera in hand, FBPF took many pictures and when visiting select
Internet Cafes/Drop points in Paris/Roquebrun (can you find Roquebrun on
any map of France???), he would upload these
images and send them to his home base. Some of the declassified pictures are
are below.
First, its necessary to show the Eiffel Tower - else no one would really
believe that you went to Paris. But the real action was on a boat where
some sort of behind-the-scenes something was taking place.
But here is a rather non-traditional image of the Tour Eiffel - from the roof
of our flat - during the day, in order to locate critical landmarks,
and at 11pm at night, holding the camera with only a hand - and
using only available light. Fortunately the tower lights were blinking and I
was able to synchronize the photo with the blinking lights. I have had
considerable practice with this exercise - and it clearly demonstrate the
utility of a digital camera, where there are no penalties for practice shots.
Next - how to find your way?
But while looking for the correct direrction, what to do about dinner?
So, bread, of course, and bagette - (Pain Bagette - the first introduction to
the French displeasure of with eating a bagette with pain:
What is France without bread?
So here are some interesting photos of local bread.
Below, of course, is a bread shop in disguise. Note carefully, the sign -
PAIN TRADITIONNEL. This is typically Frence, to equate bread with PAIN.
Sometimes, you found PAIN with Raisons. Sometimes, Pain with other stuff -
but unfortunately, this has been classified. This kind of "pain", though,
is quite pleasant - and with cheese, tomatoes, sausage, etc - it can be
very very tasty
Next come the points of rendezvous - restaurants. Places where long meetings
can happen - and of course, many other long things.
There is Music everywhere:
But to get to the music - its necessary to go to Monmartre - by Subway. Why?
Simply because the best art gallery (except the Dali gallery) is the walk
from the Metro to the street. And here is some of the art (unfortunately
defaced by some that do not treasure this public display of work):
So - what happens next? We go home - along a quiet little street:
and prepare to go to Roquebrun (did you find it yet?) - but last, a view of
our street, by day and by night (not so steady this time, with the camera).
But Roquebrun (have you found it yet) - as small, quiet and rests by the side
of the river Orb (now can you find it) - about 20 km north of Beziers (now
can you find it?). First Roquebrun and a view of the river Orb.
Then the village, from different perspectives
Here is the school and the door in our "bed and breakfast". I like this
painting very much.
In Roquebrun, its possible to walk around the town and see many people and
crowded streets - any time, day or night!
In Roquebrun, its possible to walk around the surrounding hills and never see
anyone except some wild cherries and other nice fruits.
We followed the map and verified it with the GPS tracks:
But at the end of a day - there is nothing like a glass of wine. Some take it
from the tank while others take it from the bottle:
And so, here is goodbye from frank and bean - from Roquebrun, a new discovery
for our team.
Copyright 2001 C. Frank Starmer