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As a viewer of the project, you can either download the entire
project or view the project files and selectively download what
you are interested in. The page:
gives detailed
instructions for anonymous ftp of the project files.
As a developer, to access them you must first make
sure that the environment variable CVS_RSH is set to ssh. You
can do this with the command:
shell> export CVS_RSH=ssh
or by adding export CVS_RSH=ssh to your shell configuration file
and reloading the shell. If you use the latter method you will, of
course, only have to modify the file one time and never have to worry
about this step again.
With the CVS_RSH environment variable set, the datamodel project can then be downloaded using the command:
shell> cvs -z3\
> /cvsroot/datamodel co datamodel
where username is your username.
Frank Starmer