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Generating Normally Distributed Random Variables

There are two primary methods for generating normally distributed random variables. The first method relies on the central limit theorem which states that if E$ X = \mu$ and Var $ (X) = \sigma^2$, then for independent and identically distributed samples from any distribution $ \bar{X}$ has an approximate $ \textrm{N}(\mu, \sigma^2/n)$ distribution, where $ n$ is the sample size. The utility in this first method is that it is very easy to remember off the top of your head and is relatively easy to compute with a computer.

The second method uses a direct transformation, and, while being just as easy to compute using a computer, is a little tricky to remember. This method is called the Box-Muller algorithm. The steps involved are:

  1. Generate to independent uniform(0,1) variables, $ U_1$, $ U_2$.
  2. Let $ R = \sqrt{-2 \log(U_1)}$ and $ \theta = 2 \pi U_2$
  3. Let $ X = R \cos(\theta)$ and $ Y = R \sin(\theta)$.
where $ X$ and $ Y$ are independent normal(0,1) random variables. See Appendix A.2 for an Octave program that implements this algorithm.

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Frank Starmer 2004-05-19